If you’re a legal adult who wants to learn about SA recovery for yourself, you’re in the right place.
If you’re a concerned friend or relative of someone you think may have a sexual addiction, please have your loved one contact us directly. To inquire about the support you may need, please contact our friends at S-Anon.
What is a newcomer?
Newcomer is a term commonly used in 12-step meetings for a person who has just started attending meetings.
To protect your anonymity and ours and to ensure that SA is right for you before you attend a closed meeting, other newcomers have found it helpful to first visit SA.org, review the newcomer resources and then speak with an SA volunteer who has sufficient sobriety.
What is a newcomer interview and why is it necessary?
In the tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous, meetings are designated as either Open or Closed. In Greater Boston, our meetings are Closed (only SA members may attend).
In order to maintain the anonymity of our members, we do not make public the addresses of our meetings. We meet with the newcomer, or at the very least talk to him or her on the phone, to verify that SA is right for them and for us.
SA is not the only recovery game in town. Some have left the SA program to participate or even start another S-fellowship. If you don’t desire SA sobriety or are at odds with our definition, you may be better suited for another recovery model that has helped countless others. We make no judgment on other fellowships and don’t compete with them.
SA is not for those who want to control and enjoy lust; it’s for those who want to identify the root cause of their problems, stay sober and carry the message of recovery to those who still suffer.
We don’t debate the definition or other principles.
Okay. I’m ready to speak with an SA member to learn if SA is right for me.
Please contact us.